Friday, June 28, 2019

Drinking Water Therapy

Note: Most of us know that drinking water is Very Important, but few of us know the correct way to drink water. Water can work with your body to improve your health or against your body to break down your health.

Drinking water Incorrectly may lead to Dehydration, Migraine Headache, Tiredness, Mental Fatigue, Indigestion, Joint Pain, Allergies, Skin Problems, Hair Lost, and organ failure such as Heart, Kidney and Liver. The following is a list do's and don'ts of drinking water.

1. Alkaline: The saliva in the mouth is Alkaline. If Water is drunk slowly it mixes with the alkaline saliva. This helps stabilized the acids in the stomach, which allows for better water absorption into your cells. If water is gulped it rushes into the stomach and passes through the system without much absorption which leads to frequent urination and dehydration of the cells.

2. Sit-down: Drink Water while sitting down. In the sitting position the body allows the water to be absorbed into the cells easily. Standing, Walking or Jogging while drinking water encourage the water to be ejected quickly through the body leading to dehydration.

3. First Thing: Drink water first thing in the morning. Before brushing your teeth in the morning your mouth is highly alkalized, this is the best time to drink water. It is recommended that you drink about 1 liter of water in the morning over a period of about 15-30 minutes. Lemon juice can be added to the water to increase its alkalinity but no sugar should be added, as this will turn the alkaline into acid. Do not eat anything for at least 30 minutes after drinking the water.

4. Drink Warm Water: Drinking cold water will lead to shrinking of the blood vessels, which leads to circulation problems, and can aggravate pain with varicose veins. Cold water also solidifies fat in foods, which makes it more difficult for the body to break down. Cold water Increases the sharpness in joint pain, and slows down your heart rate which reduces muscle strength and reaction. Cold water also solidifies belly fat which makes it more difficult for the body to burn it off. It is always best to drink room temperature or warm water.

5. When Eating: Do not drink water while eating. Water dilutes the stomach acids which delays digestion, leading to nutrition problems such as hair lost. Drinking water especially cold in rare cases can lead to food poisoning as food sits in the stomach and starts to ferment instead of digesting. It is always best to drink water at least half hour before and after eating. Drinking warm water at least half hour after eating will help the body digestion as it does not solidify fats.

6. Clay Jar: Storing and drinking water from a clay Jar or Pot has many benefits. Earthen or clay pots are alkaline based which means the water takes in the alkalinity of the pot. This leads to a boost in your metabolism. The minerals found in clay pots also help to improve digestion and keeps your testosterone levels balanced. Dangerous chemicals like BPA can be released into the water when you store them in plastic bottles or containers, these chemicals can lead to diseases such as cancer.

7. Thirsty: Drink water when your thirsty this is your body natural way of telling you when you need water. Gulping it will not help your thirst. Sit and sip the water until contend. This way you will not feel blotted. The water will have time to mix with your saliva and absorb into your cells.

8. Liquids: Consider applying these techniques to all liquids that you drink. Drinking Juice that comes direct from fruit, with no added sugar, and Teas are especially helpful in rehydrating the body, as well as providing additional nutrition.

9. Too Much: Drinking too much water leads to over hydration. Over hydration lead to water intoxication. This happens when the amount of minerals in your body become too diluted. By drinking more water than your kidneys can process, leads to extra water in your bloodstream. Over Hydration may cause muscle weakness, spasms or cramps,
Seizures, unconsciousness, coma and Death which is rare, but it can happen.

10. How Much: How Much water should I drink? Each person is different. Our body mass and daily activities varies from person to person, this means each person would require a different amount of water. If your activities changes day to day, so should your water intake. You can use the following formula to calculate your daily water intake.

Calculate your recommended daily water intake.

Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2.

Depending on your age multiply that number by:
40 If you're younger than 30 years.
35 If you're between 30-55 years.
30 If you're older than 55 years.

Divide that number by 28.3 to get the amount of water you should drink in ounces.
If you are very active or has periods of high activities, then you should add 40 ounces of water for every hour of heavy activity.

If you want to turn ounce into number of glass divide by 8.
If you want to turn ounces to liters divide by 35.2

Example: A 25-year-old person whom weight is 130LBS and exercise for 1 hour each day.

Weight of Subject
130LBS ÷ 2.2

Age of Subject
25 Years
59.09 x 40 (Because of age)

To Get Ounces
÷ 28.3
2363.6 ÷ 28.3
83.52 Ounces

1 Hour Exercise
+40 Ounces
83.52 + 40
123.52 Ounces

Glasses of water to drink
Ounces ÷ 8
123.52 ÷ 8
16 Glass

Liters of water to drink
Ounces ÷ 35.2
123.52 ÷ 35.2
3.5 Liters

When calculating your daily water intake, always consider the additional loss of body fluids through, your activities and your Location (Indoor/Outdoor) as well as health, example loss of body fluids through diarrhea.

Research, Compiled and Written
By: Hardeo Roopan

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Drinking Water Therapy

Note: Most of us know that drinking water is Very Important, but few of us know the correct way to drink water. Water can work with your ...