Friday, June 28, 2019

Drinking Water Therapy

Note: Most of us know that drinking water is Very Important, but few of us know the correct way to drink water. Water can work with your body to improve your health or against your body to break down your health.

Drinking water Incorrectly may lead to Dehydration, Migraine Headache, Tiredness, Mental Fatigue, Indigestion, Joint Pain, Allergies, Skin Problems, Hair Lost, and organ failure such as Heart, Kidney and Liver. The following is a list do's and don'ts of drinking water.

1. Alkaline: The saliva in the mouth is Alkaline. If Water is drunk slowly it mixes with the alkaline saliva. This helps stabilized the acids in the stomach, which allows for better water absorption into your cells. If water is gulped it rushes into the stomach and passes through the system without much absorption which leads to frequent urination and dehydration of the cells.

2. Sit-down: Drink Water while sitting down. In the sitting position the body allows the water to be absorbed into the cells easily. Standing, Walking or Jogging while drinking water encourage the water to be ejected quickly through the body leading to dehydration.

3. First Thing: Drink water first thing in the morning. Before brushing your teeth in the morning your mouth is highly alkalized, this is the best time to drink water. It is recommended that you drink about 1 liter of water in the morning over a period of about 15-30 minutes. Lemon juice can be added to the water to increase its alkalinity but no sugar should be added, as this will turn the alkaline into acid. Do not eat anything for at least 30 minutes after drinking the water.

4. Drink Warm Water: Drinking cold water will lead to shrinking of the blood vessels, which leads to circulation problems, and can aggravate pain with varicose veins. Cold water also solidifies fat in foods, which makes it more difficult for the body to break down. Cold water Increases the sharpness in joint pain, and slows down your heart rate which reduces muscle strength and reaction. Cold water also solidifies belly fat which makes it more difficult for the body to burn it off. It is always best to drink room temperature or warm water.

5. When Eating: Do not drink water while eating. Water dilutes the stomach acids which delays digestion, leading to nutrition problems such as hair lost. Drinking water especially cold in rare cases can lead to food poisoning as food sits in the stomach and starts to ferment instead of digesting. It is always best to drink water at least half hour before and after eating. Drinking warm water at least half hour after eating will help the body digestion as it does not solidify fats.

6. Clay Jar: Storing and drinking water from a clay Jar or Pot has many benefits. Earthen or clay pots are alkaline based which means the water takes in the alkalinity of the pot. This leads to a boost in your metabolism. The minerals found in clay pots also help to improve digestion and keeps your testosterone levels balanced. Dangerous chemicals like BPA can be released into the water when you store them in plastic bottles or containers, these chemicals can lead to diseases such as cancer.

7. Thirsty: Drink water when your thirsty this is your body natural way of telling you when you need water. Gulping it will not help your thirst. Sit and sip the water until contend. This way you will not feel blotted. The water will have time to mix with your saliva and absorb into your cells.

8. Liquids: Consider applying these techniques to all liquids that you drink. Drinking Juice that comes direct from fruit, with no added sugar, and Teas are especially helpful in rehydrating the body, as well as providing additional nutrition.

9. Too Much: Drinking too much water leads to over hydration. Over hydration lead to water intoxication. This happens when the amount of minerals in your body become too diluted. By drinking more water than your kidneys can process, leads to extra water in your bloodstream. Over Hydration may cause muscle weakness, spasms or cramps,
Seizures, unconsciousness, coma and Death which is rare, but it can happen.

10. How Much: How Much water should I drink? Each person is different. Our body mass and daily activities varies from person to person, this means each person would require a different amount of water. If your activities changes day to day, so should your water intake. You can use the following formula to calculate your daily water intake.

Calculate your recommended daily water intake.

Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2.

Depending on your age multiply that number by:
40 If you're younger than 30 years.
35 If you're between 30-55 years.
30 If you're older than 55 years.

Divide that number by 28.3 to get the amount of water you should drink in ounces.
If you are very active or has periods of high activities, then you should add 40 ounces of water for every hour of heavy activity.

If you want to turn ounce into number of glass divide by 8.
If you want to turn ounces to liters divide by 35.2

Example: A 25-year-old person whom weight is 130LBS and exercise for 1 hour each day.

Weight of Subject
130LBS ÷ 2.2

Age of Subject
25 Years
59.09 x 40 (Because of age)

To Get Ounces
÷ 28.3
2363.6 ÷ 28.3
83.52 Ounces

1 Hour Exercise
+40 Ounces
83.52 + 40
123.52 Ounces

Glasses of water to drink
Ounces ÷ 8
123.52 ÷ 8
16 Glass

Liters of water to drink
Ounces ÷ 35.2
123.52 ÷ 35.2
3.5 Liters

When calculating your daily water intake, always consider the additional loss of body fluids through, your activities and your Location (Indoor/Outdoor) as well as health, example loss of body fluids through diarrhea.

Research, Compiled and Written
By: Hardeo Roopan

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Health Benefits of Orange Peel Tea

Note: Natural foods contain health benefits, but should be used in moderation. Too much of a good thing is not good. Natural foods must not be used like medicine but instead like food.
The benefits of Orange Peel Tea can be gained by consuming three to five cups a week.

Orange peel tea has played an important part in East Indian and Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years. It has been used to heal and cure ailments such as:

Gas and Indigestion
Common Cold
Reduce Cholesterol
Improves Your Immune System
Reduce Blood Pressure
Joint Pain and Arthritis
Menstrual Cramps
Cancer Prevention
Prevent Weight Gain
Diabetes Control
Prevents Runny Nose
Ovary Cysts
Heals Constipation
Bronchitis and Asthma
Improves Digestion

Making Orange Peel Tea: To make 4 cups of Tea, take 4 to 6 one inch (1”) long strips of Orange Peel.Place the Peels in a tea pot with 4 ½ cups of water and boil for 10-15 minutes.
Turn of fire and leave to draw for a period of 10-30 minutes.
Consume Warm or Cold and even add sweeteners like honey or stevia if you like.
If sugar is added avoid large amounts as sugar is not very healthy.

Dried Orange Peel Is Best: Study done at the Institute of Organic Chemistry in Bulgaria has discovered that dried orange peel, made into a tea released more pectin than fresh orange peel. Pectin is a fiber found in fruits. Pectin is used to prevent high cholesterol, high triglycerides, colon cancer and prostate cancer. Be sure to use Organic Orange Peel not dried in direct sunlight.

Gas and Indigestion: If you are having trouble with gas, stomachaches, heartburn or indigestion Orange peel tea works wonders for these ailments.

Common Cold: Orange Peel Contains More Vitamin C Than the Orange Juice itself. Drinking orange peel tea gives you a Vitamin C boost which speeds up the recovery process from a cold or flu.

Headaches: Breathing in the vapors of the orange peel tea while sipping it, soothe away Headaches and Migraines. You can even add two Peppermint leaves into the tea for added relieve of stress and fatigue.

Reduce Cholesterol: It has been proven Orange peel tea contains pectin. Pectin when combines with bile acids in the liver results in lower cholesterol. Orange peel also contains hesperidin which according to Dr. Elzbieta Kurowska doing research in Canada says, hesperidin helps to lower cholesterol.

Improves Your Immune System: Pectin found in orange peels helps to grow probiotic bacteria in our intestines. Which results in a boost up of your immune system.

Reduce Blood Pressure: Orange peel tea is a must in Traditional Chinese and East Indian Medicine used to lower blood pressure. This is because orange peel contains a powerful anti-inflammatory hesperidin which aids in the reduction of your blood pressure.

Joint Pain and Arthritis: Hesperidin and Polymethoxyflavones are both found in Orange peel these are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that aids in the treatment of joint pain, arthritis, and swelling. Orange peel tea is a much more natural means to deal with Joint Pain and Arthritis than the anti-inflammatory medication “indomethacin”. Orange peel tea is a truly powerful anti-inflammatory remedy that most people take for granted.

Menstrual Cramps: Orange peel tea will reduce menstrual cramps and soothe the digestive system when that time of the month comes around.

Cancer Prevention: Orange peel tea flavonoids has the ability to inhibit the formation of RLIP76 protein which is connected to cancer prevention. Orange peel tea is high in Vitamin C which are a powerful antioxidant which is known to prevents cancer.

Prevent Weight Gain: Tests done at Division of Molecular Diabetes Research Hope Hospital, showed that Orange peels given to mice encourage the production of the protein RLIP76. The results showed it prevented them from coming down with diabetes, obesity, cancer and having high cholesterol.

Diabetes Control: Orange peel tea contain Pectin which in studies has been shown to reduce insulin resistance. Thus keeping your blood sugar stable and help control diabetes.

Prevents Runny Nose: Regular drinking orange peel tea can clear up mucus and prevents coughing because of the high Vitamin C. If you have a sinus infection try Organic Grapefruit Peel instead it works great for sinus infections.

Dizziness: Mild dizziness, sick to your stomach try some orange peel tea and soothe away that feeling. It will also help with Motion and Sea Sickness.

Ovary Cysts: It has been proven that Ovary Cysts can be prevented or reversed with diets high in Potassium.
Orange peel tea contain Potassium and will aid with Ovary Cysts.

Heals Constipation: Drinking hot Orange Peel Tea, Not Warm early in the morning works wonders for persons dealing with constipation.

Helps Sensitive Teeth: Holding mouthfuls of Orange Peel Tea in the mouth before drinking it, helps with sensitive teeth.

Bronchitis and Asthma: Use Orange Peel Tea sweetened with honey throughout the day, for respiratory problems like Bronchitis and Asthma. Orange Peel Tea is also a powerful lung cleanser helping and preventing many lung diseases.

Allergies: Histamines released into your body brings on allergic reactions. When you drink Orange peel tea it prevents the release of histamines thus fighting allergies.

Improves Digestion: If you have digestive problems. Drink Orange Peel Tea it replenishes the organisms that aid with digestion.

Hangovers: Hangover? Drink Orange peel tea with lots of water to deal with that hangover.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Health Benefits of Sorrel or Rosella

Health Benefits of Sorrel or Rosella:

Note: Natural foods contain health benefits, but should be used in moderation. Too much of a good thing is not good.
Natural foods must not be used like medicine but instead like food.
The benefits of sorrel can be gained by consuming three to five cups a week.

Sorrel or Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) is a species of hibiscus that grows in tropical climate. Ranging in height between 1 and 2 meters or 3 to 6 feet, the plant has beautiful pink flowers and Bright red fruit packed with vitamins, minerals, anthocyanins, flavonoids, antioxidants and fibre.

Sorrel is extremely healthy and has an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals. These minerals ranging from vitamins for your nervous system to immune system boosters and natural fats.

What Sorrel Contains:
Vitamins A, B2, B3, and C
And Natural Healthy Fats

It Increases Blood Circulation:
According to a recent study, drinking Sorrel juice or tea tend to have lower blood pressure and encourage a healthier cardiovascular system.

Strengthen Bones and Teeth:
Sorrel contains calcium, persons who drink Sorrel juice or tea are more likely to have stronger bones and stronger teeth.
In addition by drinking Sorrel juice or tea it reduces tingling in the hands and feet, as well as numbness, because of the improved blood circulation. It also prevents Blood Cults that lead to Heart Attack and Strokes.

Use as a Sport Drink:
Sorrel extract is used by a lot of companies in their sports drinks. This is due to Sorrel’s ability to cool down your body and eliminate thirst. Sport drinks however contain a lot of corn syrup and other, unhealthy sweeteners. The best choise is to make your own Sorrel sports drink.

Boost Your Immune System:
Sorrel has the power of vitamin C. It not only boost your immune system to fight off viruses and bacteria, but it also improves your blood circulation and heals wounds faster, regulates sugar levels, improves asthma symptoms, improves your vision and all the other benefits of vitamin C from a natural source.

Helps You Lose Weight:
If you eat a lot of starchy foods, Sorrel should be added to your diet. According to a recently published study, Sorrel decreases the production of amylase, an enzyme that transform starch into sugars. Therefore, by consuming Sorrel juice or tea, your body will break down starch faster and not transform the starch to sugar and fat. It also boosts your metabolism, which allows you to do more and burn more calories.

Helps Treat Cancer:
Another great benefit of Sorrel is its aid in Cancer treatment. Various studies has shown that, high doses of Vitamin C rich Sorrel Juices or tea helps your body to fight caner when combined with foods that contain vitamin B17. In addition to that, unlike Cancer treatment and drugs, it does not cause good cells to self-destruct and only targets cancerous cells.

Helps with Breathing Problems:
You know that feeling when your nose is stuffed and you can’t seem to breathe properly. Well, Sorrel Users are less likely to experience this problem, as it is known to help you to breathe easier and greatly decreases the narrowing of the airways. With better blood circulation the oxygen you breathe travels through the body easily.

Having a Healthy Family:
Planning to have a baby or already have kids, Sorrel juice or tea should be added to the diet of the whole family.
Studies have shown that the consumption of foods and or drinks which is high in calcium decrease the chance of retardation in children because of the ability of Sorrel to improve their overall nerve development and function.

Reduce The Effects of Alcohol:
If you plan to consume some alcohol and want to reduce the chances of throwing up or doing something that you might
regret afterwards, considering drinking Sorrel juice with your alcohol. Sorrel juice or tea decrease the alcohol absorption rate, but it also lessens alcohol’s effect on the system. The result? Mild hangovers (if any) and less of everything that comes with them: headaches,
nausea, etc.

Drinking Water Therapy

Note: Most of us know that drinking water is Very Important, but few of us know the correct way to drink water. Water can work with your ...