Thursday, November 1, 2018

Cure For Cancer!

Cure for Cancer Found in Trinidad Foods.

I have been looking for a cure for cancer not by myself because it will take too long, so I have used my network of people to help. What we have found is cancer is not a disease but a vitamin deficiency. Specifically Vitamin B17 also known as amygdalin or laetrile, it keep the cancer cells in the body at Bay.

Basically this is how it works, the cancer cell has a protein Coating around the cancer itself, the cancer is protected by this protein coating. To kill the cancer cell one would first have to break down the Protein coating. B17 consist of an alkaline specifically opposite to the protein around cancer cells. This means when they come into contact they neutralise each other. The cancer cell is now exposed and can be attack. B17 other component cyanide finishes the cancer cell. The cyanide is harmless once the alkaline in B17 exist making it nature way of curing and preventing cancer.

If someone has Cancer The first thing you should do is STOP the Consumption of sugar. Sugar is the fuel that makes the Cancer grow, by removing sugar from your diet the Cancer growth is prohibited. Once you have stop the sugar intake B17 can now reduce the Cancer without damage to surrounding tissue. 

The body’s supply of B17 is greatly broken down by the use of dishwashing liquids which sticks to the dish surface and enters the food when food is placed on it. The heating of food or serving hot food in plastic container also brakes down B17 in the body. So use vinegar or lime juice in the rinsing water for dishes, and never heat food or serve hot food in plastic.

Some foods containing Vitamin B17 for cancer treatments and prevention that can be found in Trinidad are:

Soursop Leaves: According to a study conducted by experts from Purdue University in the United States stated that this soursop leaf is very good for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. In the study proves that soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cell growth. Some types of cancer that can be treated are breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer.

To Use Soursop Leaves: Take 6-8 old (mature) soursop leaves and boil with 3 cups of water. Until one cup of water is remaining, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Take a week break and repeat if needed.

Soursop Fruit: This can be used to make a punch. It is very delicious and supplies you with vitamin B17.

Bitter Cassava: All Cassava although the bitter ones has a greater amount of B17. This is especially true if the Cassava is grown close to pigeon pees, as it increases the amount of B17 in the Cassava.

Bitter Almond: The almond seed found in the parks and on the beaches of Trinidad and Tobago is one if the best almonds that can be used to get your vitamin B17.

Bamboo Shoots: Found in Trinidad it’s not one of our usual food source, we usually buy those tin can versions; but visiting a bamboo patch especially after a bushfire, when the bamboo starts to shoot, is a good time to harvest the shoots and get your vitamin B17.

Prune Seed: When you eat that prune be sure to crack the hard shell around the seed and consume the soft seed filled with vitamin B17.

Apple Seeds: Apple Seeds are high in vitamin B17 we usually dispose of the apple core and its vitamin B17.

Other foods with high amounts of vitamin B17:

Wild Blackberry, Wild Crabapple, Choke Cherry, Swedish Cranberry, Cherry Seed, Apricot Seed, Plum Seed, Pear Seeds, Peach Seed, Nectarine Seed, Fava Bean, Alfalfa Leaves and Eucalyptus Leaves.

Drinking Water Therapy

Note: Most of us know that drinking water is Very Important, but few of us know the correct way to drink water. Water can work with your ...